Rotary District 5050 Leadership
We continue to welcome like minded people to join us and become leaders in service to others.

As Rotarians, we change lives and we make the world a better place through our volunteer service.
We make a difference at home - with projects like the Monroe Rotary Field and the Miracle Baseball League, the Sedro-Woolley Skate Park, school & community playgrounds, mentorship & youth programs, contributions to police & community organizations, and to seniors programs.
We save lives and improve communities globally through hundreds of programs in countries including the Philippines, Guatemala, Mexico, Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya and many others.
District 5050 is a world leader in the fight against polio.
Our impact as individual Rotarians is even greater through the multiplying effect of 1.2 million Rotarians around the world and through the financial strength of our Rotary Foundation.
Rotarians build peace through example and by putting the needs of others above our own:
Providing for basic needs
Creating opportunities for education and employment.
Assisting with water, sanitation and health care.
Reaching out to resolve conflict between people, communities and cultures.
The challenge is to make Rotary:
Bigger - more members
Better - engaged, enthusiastic and effective
Bolder - innovative, exciting and energized
What can we and our clubs do:
To improve your weekly meeting?
To attract and retain new members, as well as to retain current members?
To engage and enable your membership?
To do more hands-on projects?
To become more active locally and internationally?
To create greater awareness of Rotary and enhance our public image?
We have many reasons to be proud of our accomplishments over the past years, and great optimism for what we can do during this year and as we move forward into the future.